Neler yeni

1299 Gm Kodları ve Komutları


15 Ara 2015

1299 Gm Kodları ve Komutlarını sizler için derledik ve bütün kodları tek bir arada sizlere paylaşıyorum. Ayrıca şunu belirtmek isterim bu kodlar serverinizin korumasına bağlı olduğu için (soacs, acme gibi) çalışmama durumu bazılarında olacaktır. Detaylı araştırma yaparak çalışan kodlara ulaşabilirsiniz.

/count (serverdaki online player sayısını gösterir)

/notice ne yazmak istiyorsan yaz (Notice yazarsınız)

/time (0-24) (Oyun saatini ayarlarsınız mesela 24 yapınca gece olur)

Q harfine basılı tutup koşarsanız çok hızlı koşarsınız

/ban yada /forbid_connect nick (kimi banlamak istiyorsanız onun nickini yazın)

/mute yada /forbid_chat nick (kimi mutelemek istiyorsanız onun nickini yazın)

/unmute yada /allow_chat nick (kimin mutesini açmak istiyorsanız onun nickini yazın)

/Arrest nick adamın yanına ışınlanmak için Bir gün gm olursanız belki işe yarar

/goto x y (kodinatlari girince o raya gider)

/exp_add 20 %20 Exp Eventi Başlatır..

/summonuser Kullanıcıyı Yanına Çeker

/goto Sizi Belirlediginiz Koordinata Işınlar...

/summonuser nick Adamı Yanına Ceker...

/view (gorunur olursunuz.)
/unview (tekrar gorunmez olursunuz.)

/tp adamİnnicki


Bir Çok Kişinin Merak Ettiği Boss Düşürme İşine Geçelim..

+unikmonster Rastgele Bir Boss Yaratır..
+moncatch Oyundaki Boss'u,Npc,Monster i Yanına Çeker
+monsummon Boss Yaratır
+monkill Denemedim....
+monsummonall Her Yeri O Boss İle Doldurur

Tabi Bu Kodların Sonuna Monsterin İD sini Eklememiz Lazım Onlarda Bende Mevcut

Talos 2455
Snake Queen 2055
Harpy Queen 2255
Troll King 1775
Dragon Tooth 1107
Shaula 907
Attila 1450
Samma 1356
Duke 1205
Bach 1257
Bakkirra 608
Lobo 556
Lesath 908
Javana 1355
Lupus 507
Lycaon 558
Kekurikekukaka 161
Antares 906
Bone Collector 1106
Bishop 1256
Orc Bandit Leader 2817
Deruvish Founder 2105
Dreadmare 3054
Atross 1402
Riote 1311
Blood Don 613
Barrk 657
ORC Bandit Officer 2813 2705
ORC Bandit Officer 2814
ORC Bandit Officer 2815
Paramun 2124
Hyde 1005
Isiloon 5501
Isiloon Servant 5502
Volcanic rock 3891
Messenger of God 5201
Ultima 6501
Felankor 7035

+moncatch 13469 manticore
+moncatch 14480 : CW
Death Mare
+moncatch 13216 Riote
+moncatch 13179 Atross
+moncatch 13218 : blood don
+moncatch 14475 darkstone
+moncatch 12269 Falcon
+moncatch 12305 Lamentation
+moncatch 12235 TB
+moncatch 11782 centaur
+moncatch 13287 uruk tron
+moncatch 12187 obl
+moncatch 12886 Shula
+moncatch 12365 bach
+moncatch 11970 Bishob
+moncatch 13624 Lesath
+moncatch 12363 Barrkk
+moncatch 12364 bakirra
+moncatch 12768 Lobo
+moncatch 12182 lycoun
+moncatch 12767 Lupus
+moncatch 12183 bone collecter
+moncatch 12888 orc bandit officer archer
+moncatch 12889 Orc bandit offlicer Mage
+moncatch 12890 orc bandit officer blade

+moncatch 12364 Bach
+moncatch 12363 bakirra
+moncatch 12362 Barrkk
+moncatch 12767 lobo
+moncatch 12183 Javana
+moncatch 12181 Lycaon
+moncatch 12182 Bone collec
+moncatch 11969 bishop
+moncatch 13623 Lesath
+moncatch 14048 Duke
+moncatch 14441 Orc Sniper
+moncatch 12217 Dark Stone
+moncatch 14814 DARm mare
+moncatch 11971 Giant Golem
+moncatch 12172 Troll King
+moncatch 12278 DEATH MARE
+moncatch 14823 HQ
+moncatch 14826 DF
+moncatch 14835 Talos
+moncatch 14836 Dragon tooth
+moncatch 14824 Shaula
+moncatch 14825 Samma
+moncatch 14751 harpy
+moncatch 14834 SQ
+moncatch 12363 barrkirra
+moncatch 12885 2. shaula
+moncatch 13685 Kekurıkukaraka

Ego 5801
Glutton 5901
Wrath 6001
Sloth 6101
Lust 6201
Envy 6301
Greed 6401

+monsummon 7035 Felankor
+monsummon 7036 Dragon Servant

Isiloon 5501
Isiloon Servant 5502
Volcanic rock 3891
Messenger of God 5201
Ultima 6501
Felankor 7035

Dark Mare 3001
5002 Tree ghost King
3971 Drakkha
2907 GOBLIN patriarch

2603 Centaur archer
5001 Tree ghost variant
5002 Tree ghost King
5003 Tree ghost
5201 The Messenger of Patoz



Harita Kodu - Harita Adı
1 Luferson Castle
2 El Morad Castle
11 Orc Eslant
12 Human Eslant
21 Moradon
30 Delos
31 Bi-Frost
32 Abyss
33 Hell Abyss
34 Felankor’s Lair
48 Battle Arena
62 War Zone
63 War Zone
64 War Zone
55 Forgotten Temple
71 Colony Zone
72 Dark CZ


/open <-- Lunar war baslatir
/open2 diger map ile baslatir
/snowopen <-- kar savas,
/close <-- hem savasi hem kar i kapatir
/captain <-- savas taki kaptani belirler
/santa <-- santa droplar
/offsanta <-- Santa offline
/kill "user" <-- adami server dan dc eder ban deil

Knight Online 1299 İtem kodları

110410000 - Knife
110610000 - Stiletto
110710000 - Assassin Dagger
110810000 - Sword breaker
110910000 - Kukry
111010000 - Cleaver
111110000 - Mirage Dagger
111210000 - Shard
120110000 - Short Blade
120310000 - Long Sword
120510000 - Scimitar
120710000 - Flame Sword
120810000 - Rapier
120910000 - Gradius
121010000 - Crescent
121110000 - Blade
121210000 - Slayer
121310000 - Graham
125210000 - Combined Blade
125310000 - Two-Handed Sword
125610000 - Battle Sword
125810000 - Great Sword
125910000 - Claymore
126010000 - Flamberge
126110000 - Double Blade
126210000 - Destroyer
126310000 - Durandal
126410000 - Mirage
130210000 - Hand Axe
130410000 - Double Axe
130610000 - Bipennis
130710000 - Military Pick
130810000 - Cleaver Axe
130910000 - Wrist Cutter
131010000 - Tomahawk
131110000 - Deep Scar
135310000 - Battle Axe
135510000 - Timber Axe
135710000 - Twin Axe
135810000 - Great Axe
135910000 - Broad Axe
136010000 - Bone Axe
136110000 - Bone Cleaver
136210000 - Blade Axe
140210000 - Maul
140410000 - Mace
140610000 - War Hammer
140710000 - Breaker
140810000 - Hacker
141010000 - Bone Crasher
141110000 - Impact
142110000 - monster weapon
145310000 - Great Maul
145510000 - Battle Mace
145710000 - Great Mace
145810000 - Weight Hammer
145910000 - Large Breaker
146010000 - Large Hacker
146110000 - Totamic Club
146210000 - Iron Impact
150210000 - Spear
150410000 - Cross Spear
150610000 - Spetum
150710000 - Long Spear
150810000 - Pike
150910000 - Trident
151010000 - Philum
151110000 - Harpoon
151210000 - Totamic Spear
155310000 - Pole Axe
155510000 - Battle Scythe
155710000 - Grim Scythe
155810000 - Bill
155910000 - Halberd
156010000 - Bardish
156110000 - Glave
156210000 - Raptor
160100000 - Bow
160210000 - Short Bow
160410000 - Rapt Bow
160610000 - Composite Bow
168110000 - Crossbow
168210000 - Horn Crossbow
168310000 - Iron Crossbow
168410000 - Iron Bow
180110000 - Wood Staff
180310000 - Wizard Staff
180510000 - Mythril Staff
180610000 - Mage Staff
180710000 - Alchemy Staff
180810000 - Elemental Staff
180910000 - Viper Staff
181010000 - Salamander Staff
181110000 - Elixir Staff
190210000 - Priest Maul
190410000 - Priest Mace
190610000 - Priest War Hammer
190710000 - Priest Breaker
190810000 - Priest Hacker
190910000 - Priest *****er
191010000 - Priest Bone crasher
191110000 - Priest Impact
110150000 - Fine Yard
110450000 - Dirk
110650000 - Mail breaker
120150000 - Short Sword
120350000 - Broad Sword
120550000 - Falchion
120750000 - Sabre
125250000 - Bastard Sword
125350000 - Twei Hander
125650000 - War Sword
125850000 - Giant Sword
130250000 - Wood Cutter
130450000 - Large Axe
130650000 - Warrior Axe
135350000 - War Axe
135550000 - Lumber Axe
135750000 - Tabar
140250000 - Morning Star
140450000 - Iron Star
140650000 - Spiked Club
145350000 - Giant Maul
145550000 - War Club
145750000 - Giant Morning Star
150250000 - Spike
150450000 - Battle Pork
150650000 - Spetum
155350000 - Spear Axe
155550000 - War Scythe
155750000 - Harsh Scythe
160150000 - Bow
160250000 - Bamboo Bow
160450000 - Hunter¡¯s Bow
160650000 - Horn Bow
168150000 - Crossbow
168250000 - Horn Crossbow
180150000 - Orc Staff
180350000 - Red Eye Staff
180550000 - Bone Staff
190250000 - Priest Morning Star
190450000 - Priest Iron Star
190650000 - Priest Spike Club
170110000 - Small Shield
170150000 - Wooden Shield
170210000 - Large Shield
170250000 - Round Shield
170310000 - Kite Shield
170350000 - Octagon Shield
170410000 - Large Kite Shield
170450000 - Round Kite Shield
171510000 - Plate Shield
171550000 - Hoplon
201001000 - Quilted Pauldron
201002000 - Leather Pads
201003000 - Leather Cap
201004000 - Leather Gloves
201005000 - Leather Shoes
202001000 - Half Plate Pauldron
202002000 - Half Plate Pads
202003000 - Half Plate Helmet
202004000 - Half Plate Gauntlet
202005000 - Half Plate Boots
203001000 - Plate Armor Pauldron
203002000 - Plate Armor Pads
203003000 - Plate Armor Helmet
203004000 - Plate Armor Gauntlet
203005000 - Plate Armor Boots
204001000 - Full Plate Armor Pauldron
204002000 - Full Plate Armor Pads
204003000 - Full Plate Armor Helmet
204004000 - Full Plate Armor Gauntlet
204005000 - Full Plate Armor Boots
205001000 - Chitin Armor Pauldron
205002000 - Chitin Armor Pads
205003000 - Chitin Armor Helmet
205004000 - Chitin Armor Gauntlet
205005000 - Chitin Armor Boots
241001000 - Rogue Shirt
241002000 - Rogue Pads
241003000 - Rogue Cap
241004000 - Rogue Gloves
241005000 - Rogue Shoes
242001000 - Rogue Half Plate Pauldron
242002000 - Rogue Half Plate Pads
242003000 - Rogue Helmet
242004000 - Rogue Gauntlet
242005000 - Rogue Boots
243001000 - Rogue Plate Armor Pauldron
243002000 - Rogue Plate Armor Pads
243003000 - Rogue Plate Helmet
243004000 - Rogue Plate Gauntlet
243005000 - Rogue Plate Boots
244001000 - Rogue Full Plate Armor Pauldron
244002000 - Rogue Full Plate Armor Pads
244003000 - Rogue Full Plate Armor Helmet
244004000 - Rogue Full Plate Armor Gauntlet
244005000 - Rogue Full Plate Armor Boots
245001000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Pauldron
245002000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Pads
245003000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Helmet
245004000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Gauntlet
245005000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Boots
261001000 - Mage Cotton Robe
261002000 - Mage Cloth Pants
261003000 - Mage Hat
261004000 - Mage Gloves
261005000 - Mage Shoes
262001000 - Mage Linen Robe
262002000 - Mage Linen Pants
262003000 - Mage Linen Cap
262004000 - Mage Leather Gloves
262005000 - Mage Leather Boots
263001000 - Mage Silk Robe
263002000 - Mage Silk Pants
263003000 - Mage Helmet
263004000 - Mage Hard Leather Gloves
263005000 - Mage Hard Leather Boots
264001000 - Crystal Robe
264002000 - Crystal Pants
264003000 - Crystal Helmet
264004000 - Crystal Gloves
264005000 - Crystal Boots
265001000 - Crimson Robe
265002000 - Crimson Pants
265003000 - Crimson Helmet
265004000 - Crimson Gloves
265005000 - Crimson Boots
281001000 - Fabric Coat
281002000 - Fabric Pants
281003000 - Priest Cap
281004000 - Priest Gloves
281005000 - Priest Shoes
282001000 - Silk Coat
282002000 - Silk Pants
282003000 - Priest Helmet
282004000 - Priest Gauntlet
282005000 - Priest Boots
283001000 - Priest Plate Pauldron
283002000 - Priest Plate Pads
283003000 - Priest Plate Helmet
283004000 - Priest Plate Gauntlet
283005000 - Priest Plate Boots
284001000 - Priest Full Plate Armor Pauldron
284002000 - Priest Full Plate Armor Pads
284003000 - Priest Full Plate Armor Helmet
284004000 - Priest Full Plate Armor Gauntlet
284005000 - Priest Full Plate Armor Boots
285001000 - Priest Chitin Armor Pauldron
285002000 - Priest Chitin Armor Pads
285003000 - Priest Chitin Armor Helmet
285004000 - Priest Chitin Armor Gauntlet
285005000 - Priest Chitin Armor Boots
310110000 - Ruby Earring
310150000 - Pearl Earring
310310000 - Rare Accessories
310410000 - Rare Accessories
310510000 - Rare Accessories
310610000 - Rare Accessories
320110000 - Golden Pendant
320150000 - Topaz Pendant
320310000 - Rare Accessories
320410000 - Rare Accessories
320510000 - Rare Accessories
320610000 - Rare Accessories
330110000 - Sapphire Ring
330150000 - Red Pearl Ring
330310000 - Rare Accessories
330410000 - Rare Accessories
330510000 - Rare Accessories
330610000 - Rare Accessories
340110000 - Linen Belt
340150000 - Low Fur Belt
340310000 - Rare Accessories
340410000 - Rare Accessories
340510000 - Rare Accessories
340610000 - Rare Accessories
131510000 - Cyclops Giant Arrow
121510000 - Skeleton Sword
181510000 - Decayed Bone staff
900000000 - Noah
391010000 - Arrow
391020000 - Iron Arrow
392010000 - throwing spear
131610000 - Attila Axe
339910000 - Tester Ring
130110000 - Stone Axe
110010000 - Dagger
110050000 - Dagger
120010000 - Short Sword
120050000 - Short Sword
180010000 - Wooden Staff
180050000 - Wooden Staff
190010000 - Priest Mace
190050000 - Priest Mace
389001000 - Pink Rice Cake (small)
389002000 - Pink Rice Cake (middle)
389003000 - Pink Rice Cake (large)
389004000 - Green Rice Cake (small)
389005000 - Green Rice Cake (middle)
389006000 - Green Rice Cake (large)
389007000 - White Rice Cake (Increase Running Speed)
389008000 - White Rice Cake (Increase Defense)
389009000 - White Rice Cake (Increase HP)
389010000 - Holy water
389011000 - Water of life
389012000 - Water of love
389013000 - Water of grace
389014000 - Water of favors
389015000 - Water of bless
389016000 - Potion of spirit
389017000 - Potion of intelligence
389018000 - Potion of sagacity
389019000 - Potion of wisdom
389020000 - Potion of soul
389021000 - Spell of flame
389022000 - Spell of fire ball
389023000 - Spell of life
389024000 - Explosive arrow
379001000 - Prayer of life
379002000 - Prayer of love
379003000 - Prayer of grace
379004000 - Prayer of favors
379005000 - Prayer of bless
379006000 - Stone of life
370001000 - Spell of Fire Blast
370002000 - Spell of Glacier Blast
370003000 - Spell of Thunder Blast
370004000 - Blood of wolf
370005000 - Blessing Potion
370006000 - Cure Potion
389025000 - Net
389026000 - Prayer of god`s power
389027000 - Prayer of wind
389028000 - Prayer of hell fire
389029000 - Prayer of earth
389030000 - Prayer of the laying on of hands
389031000 - Prayer of holy Armor
389032000 - Prayer of anger
389033000 - Styx
389034000 - Bezoar
389035000 - glutinous Rice Cake
389036000 - Wheat gluten
389037000 - Talisman
100010000 - Fork
100020000 - Hand mirror
389038000 - Flame Resistance Potion
389039000 - Glacier Resistance Potion
389040000 - Lightning Resistnace Potion
389041000 - Spell of Lion`s Strength
389042000 - Retrieving Clan Member
379007000 - Tooth of Smilodon
379008000 - Claw of Stegodon
379009000 - Heart of Haunga
379010000 - Gabolt scales
379011000 - Bone of Dragon tooth
379012000 - Blood of dark mage
379013000 - Mythril vessel
379014000 - Blood of Glyptodont
379015000 - Bezoar of Glyptodont
379201000 - Tentacle
379202000 - Poison Sack
379203000 - Bee Sting
379204000 - Tyon Meat
389043000 - Rock
389048000 - Suicide Bbomb
389047000 - Shrinking Potion
389047500 - Enlarging Potion
379016000 - Upgrade Scroll (High Class Item)
379017000 - Enchant Scroll(STR) (High Class Item)
379018000 - Immune Scroll (High Class Item)
379019000 - Reduce Scroll (High Class Item)
379020000 - Elemental Scroll (High Class Item)
379021000 - Blessed Upgrade Scroll (High Class Item)
379022000 - Blessed Enchant Scroll(STR) (High Class Item)
379023000 - Blessed Immune Scroll (High Class Item)
379024000 - Blessed Reduce Scroll (High Class Item)
379025000 - Blessed Elemental Scroll (High Class Item)
389050000 - Calling Friend Scroll
389045000 - Reserve Life
389052000 - Speed up liquid medicine
389053000 - Attack up liquid medicine
389054000 - Alacrity potion
389055000 - Scroll of shell
389056000 - Potion of intelligence
389057000 - Poison arrow of harpy
389058000 - Prayer of rage
389059000 - Potion of recovery
182110000 - Deruvish cane
381001000 - Transformation Scroll
381002000 - Transformation Scroll 2
381003000 - Transformation Scroll 3
381004000 - Transformation Scroll 4
169010000 - Centaur bow
379026000 - Enchant Scroll(HP) (High Class Item)
379027000 - Enchant Scroll(DEX) (High Class Item)
379028000 - Enchant Scroll(INT) (High Class Item)
379029000 - Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (High Class Item)
379030000 - Blessed Enchant Scroll(HP) (High Class Item)
379031000 - Blessed Enchant Scroll(Dex) (High Class Item)
379032000 - Blessed Enchant Scroll(INT) (High Class Item)
379033000 - Blessed Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (High Class Item)
379034000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item)
379035000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item)
389060000 - Water of life(Store)
389061000 - Water of love(Store)
389062000 - Water of grace(Store)
389063000 - Water of favors(Store)
389064000 - Water of bless(Store)
389065000 - Low quality jewel
389074000 - Crude Sapphire
389075000 - Crystal
389076000 - Opal
379040000 - Tail of Shaula
379041000 - Tail of Lesath
379042000 - Fang of Bakirra
379043000 - Gavolt wing
379044000 - Zombie Eye
379045000 - Cursed Bone
379046000 - Feather of Harpy Queen
379047000 - Holy water of Temple
389077000 - Snow ball
379048000 - Silk bundle
910001000 - Water of life(Coloseum Event)
910002000 - Water of love(Coloseum Event)
910003000 - Water of grace(Coloseum Event)
910004000 - Water of favors(Coloseum Event)
910005000 - Water of bless(Coloseum Event)
910006000 - Potion of spirit(Coloseum Event)
910007000 - Potion of intelligence(Coloseum Event)
910008000 - Potion of sagacity(Coloseum Event)
910009000 - Potion of wisdom(Coloseum Event)
910010000 - Potion of soul(Coloseum Event)
910011000 - Spell of lion strength(Coloseum Event)
910012000 - Holy water
910013000 - Recommendation Item
131710000 - Dreadmare Axe
379049000 - Goblin Pauldron
379050000 - Goblin Pads
379051000 - Goblin Helmet
379052000 - Goblin Gauntlet
379053000 - Goblin Boots
379054000 - Mythril Pauldron
379055000 - Mythril Pads
379056000 - Mythril Helmet
379057000 - Mythril Gauntlet
379058000 - Mythril Boots
910014000 - Kiss
910015000 - Recommendation Item
379059000 - Stone of Warrior
379060000 - Stone of Rogue
379061000 - Stone of Mage
379062000 - Stone of Priest
379063000 - Scream Scroll
379064000 - Magic Shield Scroll
379065000 - Absolute Power Scroll
379066000 - Judgment Scroll
379067000 - Silver bar
379068000 - Gold bar
203011000 - Armor of Destruction
243011000 - Armor of Destruction
263011000 - Armor of Destruction
283011000 - Armor of Destruction
203012000 - Pads of Destruction
243012000 - Pads of Destruction
263012000 - Pads of Destruction
283012000 - Pads of Destruction
202013000 - Helmet of Destruction
242013000 - Helmet of Destruction
262013000 - Helmet of Destruction
282013000 - Helmet of Destruction
203014000 - Gauntlet of Destruction
243014000 - Gauntlet of Destruction
263014000 - Gauntlet of Destruction
283014000 - Gauntlet of Destruction
203015000 - Boots of Destruction
243015000 - Boots of Destruction
263015000 - Boots of Destruction
283015000 - Boots of Destruction
379069000 - Spell of thorn
379070000 - Spell of impact
910037000 - Good Fortune Fragrant Bag
910038000 - Certificate of Duel
910039000 - Gem of bravery
910040000 - Reconnaissance Map
910041000 - Reconnaissance Report
910042000 - Bracelet of orc bandit
910043000 - Silver cross
910044000 - Reconnaissance Order
910045000 - Brain of Centaur
203021000 - Talia skin
243021000 - Talia skin
263021000 - Talia skin
283021000 - Talia skin
910050000 - Order of seven key
910051000 - First key
910052000 - Second key
910053000 - Third key
910054000 - Forth key
910055000 - Fifth key
910056000 - Sixth Key
910057000 - Seventh key
379071000 - Talisman of Destruction
379072000 - Talisman of Talia
379073000 - Talisman of Talia
379074000 - Talisman of Talia
379076000 - Iron bar
800002000 - Re-Spawn Teleport Scroll
800003000 - STR+ Scroll(Stat)(L)
800004000 - HP+ Scroll(Stat)(L)
800005000 - DEX+ Scroll(Stat)(L)
800006000 - INT+ Scroll(Stat)(L)
800007000 - MP+ Scroll(Stat)(L)
800008000 - Power of Lion Scroll(Stat)(L)
800009000 - 150 Defense+ Scroll(L)
800010000 - 300 Defense+ Scroll(L)
800011000 - 500 HP+ Scroll(L)
800012000 - 1000 HP+ Scroll(L)
800013000 - 1500 HP+ Scroll(L)
800014000 - Attack+ Scroll
800015000 - Speed+ Potion
379077000 - Silan Bone
379078000 - Teeth of Bandicoot
389078000 - Potion of spirit
389079000 - Potion of intelligence
389080000 - Potion of sagacity
389081000 - Potion of wisdom
389082000 - Potion of soul
389083000 - Acid potion
800019000 - Clarity potion
910016000 - bind item
910017000 - Bulture Horn
910018000 - Scroll of Seal
910019000 - Zignon`s Will
910020000 - Fang of Wolf Man
910021000 - Ork Talisman
800021000 - Scroll of teleport friend
910022000 - Resurrection Scroll(50)
389084000 - MP Shell
389085000 - Super MP Shell
389086000 - Hyper MP Shell
389087000 - durability Shell
389088000 - Super durability Shell
389089000 - Hyper durability Shell
389090000 - HP Shell
389091000 - Super HP Shell
389092000 - Hyper HP Shell
389093000 - HP Scroll
389094000 - Defense Scroll
389095000 - Resistance Scroll
389096000 - Attack Speed Scroll
389097000 - Persistent HP Scroll
389098000 - Magic Attack Scroll
389099000 - Physical Attack Scroll
389100000 - Defense Scroll for Ladder Truck
389101000 - Catapult Key
389102000 - Ram Key
389103000 - Ladder Truck Key
389104000 - Leader Car Key
389105000 - Nova Shell
389110000 - Teleport Item
389111000 - Stage1 Guard Tower
389112000 - Stage2 Guard Tower
389113000 - Stage3 Guard Tower
389114000 - Stage1 Sentry
389115000 - Stage2 Sentry
389116000 - Stage3 Sentry
800022000 - Duration Item
800023000 - STR+ Scroll(Stat)(S)
800024000 - HP+ Scroll(Stat)(S)
800025000 - DEX+ Scroll(Stat)(S)
800026000 - INT+ Scroll(Stat)(S)
800027000 - MP+ Scroll(Stat)(S)
800028000 - Power of Lion Scroll(Stat)(S)
800029000 - 150 Defense+ Scroll(S)
800030000 - 500 HP+ Scroll(S)
800031000 - 1000 HP+ Scroll(S)
800032000 - Name Change Scroll
379079000 - Blessed Item Upgrade Scroll
379080000 - Dungeon Key
379081000 - Desperation Abyss 10th floor key
379082000 - Desperation Abyss 20th floor key
379083000 - Hell Abyss 8th floor key
379084000 - Hell Abyss 16th floor key
379085000 - Key to 50th floor dungeon
379086000 - Key to 60th floor dungeon
379087000 - Key to 70th floor dungeon
379088000 - Key to 80th floor dungeon
379089000 - Key to 90th floor dungeon
379090000 - Transformation Totem
340620000 - Holy Ghost Belt
379091000 - Transformation Gem
800033000 - HP Rice Cake
800034000 - MP Rice Cake
800035000 - Speed Up Rice Cake
910023000 - Rabbit
379092000 - Fire*****er
379093000 - Transformation Totem
379094000 - Fire*****er
379095000 - Lotto
800036000 - 60% re-spawn scroll
379096000 - Fire*****er
379097000 - Treasure Chest
135620000 - Chinese Flag
800037000 - Bronze Premum Service
800038000 - Silver Premium Service
800080000 - Gold Premium Service
700001000 - Redistribution Item
379098000 - Sweeping Potion
379099000 - Magic Hammer
379100000 - Wolf`s Heart
379101000 - Abyss Holy Water(S)
379102000 - Abyss Holy Water(M)
379103000 - Abyss Holy Water(L)
379104000 - Abyss Blessing
379105000 - Abyss Fire
379106000 - Abyss Gem
379107000 - Gold Coin
379108000 - Green Pearl
135621000 - Gold Trophy
135622000 - Silver Trophy
135623000 - Bronze Trophy
379109000 - Silver Coin
379110000 - Bronze Coin
379111000 - Key of Hell
379112000 - Abyss Eye
379113000 - Abyss Wing
379114000 - Abyss Lullaby
700002000 - Trina`s Piece
700003000 - Monster Summon Staff
800040000 - basic
379115000 - Practice Cannon Ball
379147000 - Wedding Ring
379130000 - Event Fire*****er
379131000 - Red Envelope
379132000 - Christmas Present
379133000 - Snowman
379134000 - Snowman(El Morad)
379135000 - Snowman(Karus)
910031000 - Christmas Cross
379137000 - Flower Fire*****er
379138000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (High Class Item)
379139000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item)
379140000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item)
379141000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (High Class Item)
800050000 - Mount Scroll
379142000 - New Year Lottery
800051000 - Ascent Scroll
379143000 - Flour
379144000 - Vegetable
379145000 - Meat
379146000 - Fish
800052000 - Vegetable Dumplings
800053000 - Normal Dumplings
800054000 - Fish Dumplings
910036000 - Scale
379151000 - Fortune Pouch
379152000 - Blessed Item Upgrade Scroll
700004000 - Monster Summon Staff
800055000 - Cake
206001000 - Chitin Shell Pauldron
206002000 - Chitin Shell Pads
206003000 - Chitin Shell Helmet
206004000 - Chitin Shell Gauntlet
206005000 - Chitin Shell Boots
246001000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Pauldron
246002000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Pads
246003000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Helmet
246004000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Gauntlet
246005000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Boots
266001000 - Complete Robe
266002000 - Complete Pants
266003000 - Complete Helmet
266004000 - Complete Glove
266005000 - Complete Boots
286001000 - Priest Chitin Shell Pauldron
286002000 - Priest Chitin Shell Pads
286003000 - Priest Chitin Shell Helmet
286004000 - Priest Chitin Shell Gauntlet
286005000 - Priest Chitin Shell Boots
119101000 - Dark Vane
129101000 - Hanguk Sword
149101000 - Hell Breaker
169101000 - Enion Bow
199101000 - Smite Hammer
189101000 - Wreath of Erenion
189201000 - Glacier Erenion
189301000 - Lightning Erenion
189401000 - Ron`s Staff
179101000 - Defender of the Lord
379153000 - Rental Scroll
379154000 - Red Treasure Chest
379155000 - Green Treasure Chest
379156000 - Blue Treasure Chest
135624000 - Tea Guk Ki
910065000 - Ester Chest
910066000 - Secret Sword
379157000 - basic
389151000 - Catapult Key
389152000 - Ram Key
389153000 - Ladder Truck Key
389154000 - Leader Car Key
800041000 - Resurrection Scroll(50)
700005000 - Monster Summon Staff
800056000 - Leader’s Guardian [Karus]
800057000 - Leader’s Guardian [El Morad]
800058000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [Karus]
800059000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [El Morad]
800060000 - Weight Scroll
379158000 - Unique Item Lotto Ticket
800061000 - Weapon Enchant Scroll
800062000 - Armor Enchant Scroll
800063000 - Stat Scroll
910080000 - Love Letter
910081000 - Telegram
125070000 - Two-Handed Training Sword
111470000 - Training Knife
161470000 - Training Bow
181480000 - Training Staff
191470000 - Training Mace
910082000 - Asga Fruit
910083000 - Cardinal Jewel
910084000 - Secret Scroll of Dark Lunar
910085000 - Secret Scroll of Lunar
910086000 - BBQ Dish
910087000 - Ring
392011000 - Pincer Poison
910089000 - Instrument
392012000 - Undying Bone
910090000 - El Morad Symbol
910091000 - Karus Symbol
800064000 - Leader’s Guardian [Karus 5]
800065000 - Leader’s Guardian [El Morad 5]
800066000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [Karus 5]
800067000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [El Morad 5]
800068000 - Leader’s Guardian [Karus 5]
800069000 - Leader’s Guardian [El Morad 5]
800070000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [Karus 5]
800071000 - Co-Leader’s Guardian [El Morad 5]
389155000 - Weapon Enchant Scroll
389156000 - Armor Enchant Scroll
910092000 - Branch of a Wooden Ghost
389158000 - Energy Rock
320120000 - Necklace of Life
379159000 - Accessory Compound Scroll
379160000 - Accessory Enchant Scroll(STR)
379161000 - Accessory Enchant Scroll(HP)
379162000 - Accessory Enchant Scroll(DEX)
379163000 - Accessory Enchant Scroll(INT)
379164000 - Accessory Enchant Scroll(MP)
700006000 - Monster Summon Staff(Event)
910074000 - King’s Sceptor
379180000 - Large Snow Ball
379181000 - Small Snow Ball
379182000 - Poroom`s Muffler
379183000 - Poroom`s Glove
379184000 - Poroom`s Hat
379185000 - Teeti`s Muffler
379186000 - Teeti`s Glove
379187000 - Teeti`s Hat
379188000 - Theo`s Muffler
379189000 - Theo`s Glove
379190000 - Theo`s Hat
379191000 - Nunu`s Muffler
379192000 - Nunu`s Glove
379193000 - Nunu`s Hat
379194000 - Snowman Poroom~
379195000 - Snowman Teeti
379196000 - Snowman Theo
379197000 - Snowman Nunu
379198000 - X-Mas Candy Cane
800076000 - Scroll of Armor 350
800078000 - HP Scroll 2000
379205000 - Upgrade Scroll (Middle Class item)
379206000 - Enchant Scroll(STR) (Middle Class item)
379208000 - Enchant Scroll(HP) (Middle Class item)
379209000 - Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Middle Class item)
379210000 - Enchant Scroll(INT) (Middle Class item)
379211000 - Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Middle Class item)
379212000 - Immune Scroll (Middle Class item)
379213000 - Reduce Scroll (Middle Class item)
379214000 - Elemental Scroll (Middle Class item)
379215000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class item)
379216000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class item)
379217000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class item)
379218000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class item)
379219000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class item)
379220000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class item)
379221000 - Upgrade Scroll (Low Class item)
379222000 - Enchant Scroll(STR) (Low Class item)
379223000 - Enchant Scroll(HP) (Low Class item)
379224000 - Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Low Class item)
379225000 - Enchant Scroll(INT) (Low Class item)
379226000 - Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Low Class item)
379227000 - Immune Scroll (Low Class item)
379228000 - Reduce Scroll (Low Class item)
379229000 - Elemental Scroll (Low Class item)
379230000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class item)
379231000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class item)
379232000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class item)
379233000 - Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class item)
379234000 - Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class item)
379235000 - Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class item)
379263000 - Christmas Cross
389182000 - Catapult Key [Lunar War]
389183000 - MP Shell [Lunar War]
389184000 - Super MP Shell [Lunar War]
389187000 - HP Shell [Lunar War]
389188000 - Super HP Shell [Lunar War]
810060000 - Symbol of Gladiator
810061000 - Symbol of Warrior
810073000 - Symbol of Gladiator [5 ea]
810074000 - Symbol of Warrior[5 ea]
810075000 - Symbol of Gladiator[10 ea]
810076000 - Symbol of Warrior[10 ea]
800091000 - Scroll of Advanced Strength
800092000 - Scroll of Advanced Health
800093000 - Scroll of Advanced Dexterity
800094000 - Scroll of Advanced Lion Strength
800016000 - Nation Transfer
900001000 - EXP
900002000 - Country CONT
900003000 - Ladder Point
900004000 - Random
900005000 - Hunt
900006000 - Job change
900007000 - Skill
900008000 - Kill opponent country
900009000 - Transport
900010000 - Level Up
900011000 - War
111310000 - Exceptional Shard
121410000 - Exceptional Graham
126610000 - Exceptional Mirage
131210000 - Exceptional Deep Scar
136310000 - Exceptional Blade Axe
141210000 - Exceptional Impact
146310000 - Exceptional Iron Impact
151310000 - Exceptional Totemic Spear
156310000 - Exceptional Raptor
168610000 - Exceptional Iron Bow
181210000 - Exceptional Elixir Staff
191210000 - Exceptional Priest Impact
389160000 - Fragment of Arrogance
389161000 - Fragment of Gluttony
389162000 - Fragment of Rage
389163000 - Fragment of Sloth
389164000 - Fragment of Lechery
389165000 - Fragment of Jealousy
389166000 - Fragment of Avarice
389167000 - Marble of Trial
389168000 - Document of Arrogance
389169000 - Document of Gluttony
389170000 - Document of Rage
389171000 - Document of Sloth
389172000 - Document of Lechery
389173000 - Document of Jealousy
389174000 - Document of Avarice
379174000 - El Morad groom
379175000 - El Morad bride
379176000 - Karus groom
379177000 - Karus bride
910100000 - Certificate of Arrogance
910101000 - Certificate of Gluttony
910102000 - Certificate of Rage
910103000 - Certificate of Sloth
910104000 - Certificate of Lechery
910105000 - Certificate of Jealousy
910106000 - Certificate of Avarice
910093000 - Beef Event Dagger
910094000 - Beef Event One-Handed Spear
910095000 - Beef Event Two-Handed Spear
910096000 - Beef Event Staff
910097000 - Beef Event Priest Club
910098000 - Beef Event Shield
910099000 - Beef Event Bow
910075000 - Lataino Monster Weapon
119301000 - Sherion
159301000 - Lugias
139301000 - Avedon
169301000 - Helenid Cross Bow
189601000 - Hell Blood
189602000 - Garp
189603000 - Elysium
199301000 - Holy Animor
179301000 - Syphioric
330910000 - Flame Ring
330920000 - Shio Tears
330930000 - Imir Ring
330940000 - Foverin
389175000 - Chamber of Arrogance Transport Scroll
389176000 - Chamber of Gluttony Transport Scroll
389177000 - Chamber of Rage Transport Scroll
389178000 - Chamber of Sloth Transport Scroll
389179000 - Chamber of Lechery Transport Scroll
389180000 - Chamber of Jealousy Transport Scroll
389181000 - Chamber of Avarice Transport Scroll
379199000 - Lantern
379200000 - New Year’s Fireworks
910107000 - Vegetable Dumpling
910108000 - Vegetable Dumpling
910109000 - Vegetable Dumpling
910110000 - New Year’s Candy
800074000 - NP increase item
800075000 - Logos’s Shout
800087000 - merchant`s Concentration
800086000 - Clan name Change scroll
700008000 - Redistribution Item(Mlddle Class)
810050000 - Super Noah
810051000 - Hyper Noah
810055000 - Spirit of Specialist
810056000 - Spirit of Grandmaster
379236000 - Magic Jewel Powder
379237000 - Goblin Armor Formalwear
379238000 - Complete Goblin Armor
379239000 - Proof of Spirit
379240000 - Proof of Body
379241000 - Holy Water of Poison
379242000 - Armband of Magic Power
379243000 - Stamp of Strength
379244000 - Nostrum of Constitution
379245000 - Nostrum of Speed
379246000 - Stamp of Dexterity
379247000 - Nostrum of Magic
379248000 - Stamp of Magic Power
379249000 - Nostrum of Wisdom
379250000 - Stamp of Intelligence
379251000 - Kekoon gallbladder
379252000 - Black silk spool
800077000 - Strengthen Defense Power 350 Scroll
800079000 - Increase HP 60% Scroll
910114000 - Haste Potion
910115000 - Maximum HP Increase Potion (for quests)
910116000 - Maximum MP Increase Potion (for quests)
389185000 - Durability Shell
389186000 - Super durability Shell
389189000 - Nova Shell
910117000 - Proof of Orc Bandit Boss
910118000 - Kekoon Armor
389190000 - Crystal of Trial
910127000 - Book of Suffering
910128000 - First Certificate of Suffering
910129000 - Second Certificate of Suffering
910130000 - Third Certificate of Suffering
910131000 - Fourth Certificate of Suffering
910132000 - Fifth Certificate of Suffering
910133000 - Sixth Certificate of Suffering
910134000 - Seventh Certificate of Suffering
910119000 - Dagger of
910120000 - Two-handed Sword of
910121000 - Spear of
910122000 - Bow of
910123000 - Staff of
910124000 - Pole of
910125000 - Mace of
910126000 - Shield of
389200000 - Dragon’s Marble
910135000 - Grape Ripper’s Certificate
910136000 - Devil’s Marble
910137000 - Filtered Water of Evil
910138000 - Certificate of Hunting
910139000 - Scroll of Armor 300
910140000 - HP Scroll 1500
910141000 - Scroll of Attack
910142000 - Haste Potion
330620000 - Ring of the Felankor
800081000 - Green Rice Cake (large)
800082000 - Pink Rice Cake (large)
910143000 - Logos’s Shout
379253000 - Skeleton
810077000 - Speed-Up Potion
810078000 - Scroll of Armor 300
810079000 - HP Scroll 1500
810080000 - Scroll of Armor 350
810081000 - HP Scroll 2000
507001000 - Dragon Flight Pauldron
507002000 - Dragon Flight Pad
507003000 - Dragon Flight Helmet
507004000 - Dragon Flight Gauntlet
507005000 - Dragon Flight Boots
547001000 - Mythril Pauldron
547002000 - Mythril Pad
547003000 - Mythril Helmet
547004000 - Mythril Gauntlet
547005000 - Mythril Boots
567001000 - Ron’s Robe
567002000 - Ron’s Pants
567003000 - Ron’s Helmet
567004000 - Ron’s Gloves
567005000 - Ron’s Boots
587001000 - Pauldron of Trial
587002000 - Pads of Trial
587003000 - Helmet of Trial
587004000 - Gauntlet of Trial
587005000 - Boots of Trial
110111000 - Practice Dagger
379255000 - Practice Upgrade Scroll
379256000 - Rebirth Scroll
379257000 - Rebirth Item Strengthen Scroll
379258000 - Tears of Karivdis
389193000 - New Year’s Gift[10 million Noahs]
389194000 - New Year’s Gift[1 million Noahs]
389195000 - New Year’s Gift[100 thousand Noahs]
389210000 - Holy Water of Ancient Grace
389220000 - Potion of Ancient Spirit
379254000 - Wolf Hide
910165000 - Wolfman’s Toe Nail
389251000 - Arcas
389252000 - Virgo
389253000 - Libra
389254000 - Canes Venatici
389255000 - Leo
389256000 - Hydra
389257000 - Corona Borealis
389258000 - Easter Egg
910152000 - Recommendation
910153000 - Mage Earring
910154000 - Mercenary Earring
910155000 - Assassin Earring
910156000 - Priest Earring
910157000 - Mercenary Pendant
910158000 - Messenger Pendant
910159000 - Cleric Pendant
910160000 - Body Belt
910161000 - Messenger Ring
910162000 - Mercenary Ring
910163000 - Assassin Ring
910164000 - Priest Ring
910166000 - Letter of Nusram’s Heart
910167000 - Klasras’s Reply
910168000 - Ring of Nusram’s Love
910169000 - Klasras’s Ring
910170000 - Letter of Klasras’s Heart
910171000 - Nusram’s Reply
910172000 - Ring of Klasras’s Love
910173000 - Nusram’s Amulet
800100000 - Patrick Transform Scroll(El Morad)
800110000 - Menissiah Transform Scroll(El Morad)
800120000 - Cougar Transform Scroll(El Morad)
800130000 - Hera Transform Scroll(El Morad)
800140000 - Hammer of Recovery(S)
800150000 - Hammer of Recovery(M)
800160000 - Hammer of Recovery(L)
800170000 - Valkyrie Helmet Certificate
800180000 - Valkyrie Armor Certificate
800190000 - Patrick Transform Scroll(Karus)
800200000 - Menissiah Transform Scroll(Karus)
800210000 - Cougar Transform Scroll(Karus)
800220000 - Hera Transform Scroll(Karus)
508011000 - Valkyrie Pauldron
508012000 - Valkyrie Pads
508013000 - Valkyrie Helmet
508014000 - Valkyrie Gauntlet
508015000 - Valkyrie Boots
800101000 - Imir’s Prayer
800111000 - Character Seal Scroll
800112000 - Cypher Ring
379270000 - Smirdon Meat
379271000 - Smirdon Hide
379272000 - Silver Feather
379273000 - Animal Blood
379274000 - Rotten Eye
379275000 - Coarse Ground Bone
379276000 - Oath of Darkness
111111000 - Mirage Dagger
111211000 - Shard
111311000 - Exceptional Shard
121211000 - Slayer
121311000 - Graham
121411000 - Exceptional Graham
126311000 - Durandal
126411000 - Mirage
126611000 - Exceptional Mirage
131011000 - Tomahawk
131111000 - Deep Scar
131211000 - Exceptional Deep Scar
136111000 - Bone Cleaver
136211000 - Blade Axe
136311000 - Exceptional Blade Axe
141011000 - Bone Crasher
141111000 - Impact
141211000 - Exceptional Impact
146111000 - Totamic Club
146211000 - Iron Impact
146311000 - Exceptional Iron Impact
151111000 - Harpoon
151211000 - Totamic Spear
151311000 - Exceptional Totamic Spear
156111000 - Glave
156211000 - Raptor
156311000 - Exceptional Raptor
168311000 - Iron Crossbow
168411000 - Iron Bow
168611000 - Exceptional Iron Bow
180111000 - Wood Staff
181011000 - Salamander Staff
181111000 - Elixir Staff
181211000 - Exceptional Elixir Staff
190611000 - Priest War Hammer
191011000 - Priest Bone crasher
191111000 - Priest Impact
191211000 - Exceptional Priest Impact
130451000 - Large Axe
130651000 - Warrior Axe
135751000 - Tabar
160451000 - Hunter¡¯s Bow
190251000 - Priest Morning Star
170211000 - Large Shield
170251000 - Round Shield
215001000 - Chitin Armor Pauldron
215002000 - Chitin Armor Pads
215003000 - Chitin Armor Helmet
215004000 - Chitin Armor Gauntlet
215005000 - Chitin Armor Boots
255001000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Pauldron
255002000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Pads
255003000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Helmet
255004000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Gauntlet
255005000 - Rogue Chitin Armor Boots
275001000 - Crimson Robe
275002000 - Crimson Pants
275003000 - Crimson Helmet
275004000 - Crimson Gloves
275005000 - Crimson Boots
295001000 - Priest Chitin Armor Pauldron
295002000 - Priest Chitin Armor Pads
295003000 - Priest Chitin Armor Helmet
295004000 - Priest Chitin Armor Gauntlet
295005000 - Priest Chitin Armor Boots
216001000 - Chitin Shell Pauldron
216002000 - Chitin Shell Pads
216003000 - Chitin Shell Helmet
216004000 - Chitin Shell Gauntlet
216005000 - Chitin Shell Boots
256001000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Pauldron
256002000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Pads
256003000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Helmet
256004000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Gauntlet
256005000 - Rogue Chitin Shell Boots
276001000 - Complete Robe
276002000 - Complete Pants
276003000 - Complete Helmet
276004000 - Complete Glove
276005000 - Complete Boots
296001000 - Priest Chitin Shell Pauldron
296002000 - Priest Chitin Shell Pads
296003000 - Priest Chitin Shell Helmet
296004000 - Priest Chitin Shell Gauntlet
296005000 - Priest Chitin Shell Boots
119111000 - Dark Vane
129111000 - Hanguk Sword
149111000 - Hell Breaker
169111000 - Enion Bow
199111000 - Smite Hammer
189111000 - Wreath of Erenion
189211000 - Glacier Erenion
189311000 - Lightning Erenion
189411000 - Ron`s Staff
179111000 - Defender of the Lord
119311000 - Sherion
159311000 - Lugias
139311000 - Avedon
169311000 - Helenid Cross Bow
189611000 - Hell Blood
189612000 - Garp
189613000 - Elysium
199311000 - Holy Animor
179311000 - Syphioric
910144000 - Dagger of
910145000 - Two-handed Sword of
910146000 - Spear of
910147000 - Bow of
910148000 - Staff of
910149000 - Pole of
910150000 - Mace of
910151000 - Shield of
517001000 - Dragon Flight Pauldron
517002000 - Dragon Flight Pads
517003000 - Dragon Flight Helmet
517004000 - Dragon Flight Gauntlet
517005000 - Dragon Flight Boots
557001000 - Mythril Pauldron
557002000 - Mythril Pads
557003000 - Mythril Helmet
557004000 - Mythril Gauntlet
557005000 - Mythril Boots
577001000 - Ron’s Robe
577002000 - Ron’s Pants
577003000 - Ron’s Helmet
577004000 - Ron’s Gloves
577005000 - Ron’s Boots
597001000 - Pauldron of Trial
597002000 - Pads of Trial
597003000 - Helmet of Trial
597004000 - Gauntlet of Trial
597005000 - Boots of Trial
379277000 - Ork Talisman
700010000 - Caribdis Tears Exchange Certificate
120510281 - Tooth(+1)
120550291 - Sword Of Beast(+1)
125350271 - Sword Of Dead(+1)
130650261 - 1H Javana Axe(+1) (Giantic Axe On Private Servers)
130450271 - 1H Giantic Axe(+1)
135750261 - 2H Javana Axe(+1) (Giantic Axe On Private Servers)
135750271 - 2H Giantic Axe(+1)
155550261 - Scorpion Scythe(+1)
160450271 - Chitin Bow(+1)
160450281 - Scorpion Bow(+1)
180110271 - Lobo Staff(+1)
180110281 - Lupus Staff(+1)
180110291 - Lycaon Staff(+1)
190250271 - Lobo Hammer(+1)
190250281 - Lupus Hammer(+1)
190250291 - Lycaon Hammer(+1)
190250301 - Skull Hammer(+1)
190610311 - Dragon Tooth Hammer(+1)
170250261 - Chitin Shield(+1)
170210271 - Scorpion Shield(+1)
310110201 - Bronze Earring(+1)
310610211 - Silver Earring(+1)
310110221 - Gold Earring(+1)
310510231 - Crystal Earring(+1)
310410241 - Platinium Earring(+1)
310610251 - Elf-Metal Earring(+1)
310410261 - Secret-Silver Earring(+1)
310610271 - White-Silver Earring(+1)
310410281 - Agate Earring(+1)
310510291 - Opal Earring(+1)
320110301 - Warrior Pendant(+1)
320110311 - Elemental Pendant(+1)
320110321 - Priest Pendant(+1)
320510331 - Amulet Of Curse(+1)
320610341 - Amulet Of Strength(+1)
320510351 - Amulet Of Dexterity(+1)
320310361 - Amulet Of Intelligence(+1)
320310371 - Amulet Of Magic Power(+1)
320510381 - Amulet Of Health(+1)
320310391 - Elemental Necklace(+1)
320610401 - Crystal Necklace(+1)
320310411 - Iron Necklace(+1)
320510421 - Amulet Of Goddess(+1)
320610431 - Blue Dragon Necklace(+1)
320310441 - Red Dragon Amulet(+1)
320310451 - Black Dragon Necklace(+1)
320510461 - Green Dragon Amulet(+1)
320510471 - White Dragon Necklace(+1)
330110301 - Ring Of Courage(+1)
330150311 - Ring Of Magic(+1)
330150321 - Ring Of Life(+1)
330110331 - Opal Ring(+1)
330610341 - Agate Ring(+1)
330610351 - Ruby Ring(+1)
330410361 - Diamond Ring(+1)
330110371 - Emerald Ring(+1)
330610381 - Gold Ring(+1)
330610391 - Silver Ring(+1)
330610401 - Elf Ring(+1)
330110411 - Crystal Ring(+1)
330410421 - Platinum Ring(+1)
340110301 - Kekuri Belt(+1)
340110311 - Belt Of Life(+1)
340310321 - Mana Belt(+1)
340310331 - Fire Belt(+1)
340410341 - Ice Belt(+1)
340510351 - Lightning Belt(+1)
340610361 - Crystal Belt(+1)
340610371 - Iron Belt(+1)
340310381 - Bronze Belt(+1)
340410391 - Glass Belt(+1)
340510401 - Belt Of Strength(+1)
340610411 - Belt Of Dexterity(+1)
340510421 - Belt Of Intelligence(+1)
340410431 - Elf Belt(+1)
340110441 - Belt Of Curse(+1)
340410451 - Skeleton Belt(+1)
340610461 - Belt Of Harpy(+1)
119101201 - Dark Vane(+1)
129101211 - Hanguk Sword(+1)
149101221 - Hell Breaker(+1)
169101231 - Enion Bow(+1)
199101241 - Smite Hammer(+1)
189101301 - Wreath Of Erenion(+1)
189201261 - Glacier Erenion(+1)
189301271 - Lightning Erenion(+1)
189401281 - Ron’s Staff(+1)
179101291 - Defender Of The Lord(+1)
310310401 - Warrior Earring(+1)
310310411 - Rogue Earring(+1)
310310421 - Cleric Earring(+1)
310310431 - Mage Earring(+1)
320410441 - Lobo Pendant(+1)
320410451 - Lupus Pendant(+1)
320410461 - Lycaon Pendant(+1)
330310471 - Kekuri Ring(+1)
Warrior Gold Shell Pauldron: 709001000
Warrior Gold Shell Pants: 709002000
Warrior Gold Shell Helmet:709003000
Warrior Gold Shell Gauntlet:709004000
Warrior Gold Shell Boots:709005000
Rogue Gold Shell Pauldron:749001000
Rogue Gold Shell Pants:749002000
Rogue Gold Shell Helmet:749003000
Rogue Gold Shell Gauntlet:749004000
Rogue Gold Shell Boots:749005000
Mage Gold Shell Robe:769001000
Mage Gold Shell Pants:769002000
Mage Gold Shell Helmet:769003000
Mage Gold Shell Gloves:769004000
Mage Gold Shell Boots:769005000
Priest Gold Shell Pants:789002000
Priest Gold Shell Helmet:789003000
Priest Gold Shell Gauntlet:789004000
Priest Gold Shell Boots:789005000

Knight Online İtem Kodları Listesi

/count = Oyunda olan oyuncu sayısını anlık olarak online bir şekilde karşımıza çıkarır.
/goto xxx,yyy = xxx,yyy yerine yazdığınız alana sizi ışınlar.
/summonuser ID = ID yazan yere istediğin kullanıcının id girdikten sonra yanına çekecektir.
/arrest ID = ID yazan yere oyuncunun ID yazarsan olduğu yere ışınlanırsın.
/view = Görünmezlik durumu ortadan kalkar.
/unview = Görünmezlik tekrar başlar
/summonuser USERID = USERID yazan kısıma kullanıcı adı girdiğiniz zaman o kişiyi yanınıza çeker.
/exp_add EXP SAYISI = Exp sayısı yazan yere istediğiniz bir sayı girdiğiniz takdirde o kadar EXP puanı eklenir.
/money_add number = Noah, para eventini aktif eder.
/exp_add = Exp Eventini başlatıyor.
/money_add = Para Eventini aktif hale getirir.
/makeitem KOD = Kod yazan yere istediğin item kodunu yazınca size o itemi verecektir.
/time 0-24 = 24 yaptığınız zaman gece olur.
/clean = Temiz bir hava ortamı sağlar.
/raining = Yağmurun yağmasını başlatır.
/snowing = Kar yağışı başlar.


+monsummon BOSSNUMARASI = Yazdığınız numaraya göre tek bos atar.
+unikmonster = Rastgele olarak bir boss atar ama genel olarak Lupus - Lycaon - lobo üçünden birini atar.
+monsummonall BOSSNUMARASI = 1 den fazla boss atar.


Ultima = 6501
Felankor = 7035
Messenger of God = 5201
Volcanic rock = 3891
Isiloon = 5501
Isiloon Servant = 5502
Babels Guardian = 7051
Talos = 2455
LEEC KING = 8100
Snake Queen = 2055
Harpy Queen = 2255
Troll King = 1775
Dragon Tooth = 1107
Bone Collector = 1106
Dread Mare = 3054
Anteras = 906
Attila = 1450
Deruvish Founder = 2105
Paramun = 2124
royal guard = +moncatch 13600
caitharos (pelerin ati) = 2690
FALCOn = 2224
Golem Türleri = 2401
Atross = 1402
Riote = 1311
Blood Don = 613
Samma = 1356
Javana = 1355
Lesath = 908
Shaula = 907
Bishop = 1256
Duke = 1205
Bach = 1257
Hyde = 1005
Halloween Pumpkin = 8638
Kekurikekukaka = 161
Orc Bandit Leader = 2817
ORC Bandit Officer = 2813
ORC Bandit Officer = 2814
ORC Bandit Officer = 2815


Barrk = 657
Bakkirra = 608
Lobo = 556
Lupus = 507
Lycaon = 558


Lupus (içi bos) = 6951
lobo (içi bos) = 6950
Lycaon (içi bos) = 6952
Barrkk (içi bos) = 6953
Barkirra (içi bos) = 6954


/forbidconnect nick = Banned
/attack_enable nick = Seçtiginiz Kullaniciya Atack Izni Verir.
/atack_disable nick = Seçtiginiz Kullaniciya Atack Izni vermez
/forbidchat nick = Konusma Engelleme
/PermitChat nick = Konusma Acar.
/summonuser = Kullaniciyi Yanına Çeker
/arrest nick = userin yanına ısınlanırsın



itemin + sini degistirmek icin sonundaki kodu 1 yerine 5 mesela.
/makeitem KOD = KOD yerine Kodu Yaz..
379068000 Gold Bar
700002000 Trina


156210010 +10 Raptor Normal
156210050 +10 Raptor Posion
146210010 +10 Iron Impact Normal
146210050 +10 Iron Impact Lighting
206001020 +10 Warrior Shell Pauldron STR
206002020 +10 Warrior Shell Pad STR
206003020 +10 Warrior Shell Helment STR
206004020 +10 Warrior Shell Gaunlet STR
206005020 +10 Warrior Shell Bot STR


111210010 +10 Shard Normal
111210050 +10 Shard Posion
246001520 +10 Rogue Shell Pauldron DEX
246002520 +10 Rogue Shell Pad DEX
246003520 +10 Rogue Shell Helment DEX
246004520 +10 Rogue Shell Gaunlet DEX
246005520 +10 Rogue Shell Bot DEX


266001510 +10 Magican Shell Pauldron HP
266002510 +10 Magican Shell Pad HP
266003510 +10 Magican Shell Helment HP
266004510 +10 Magican Shell Gaunlet HP
266005510 +10 Magican Shell Bot HP


146210010 +10 Iron Impact Normal
146210050 +10 Iron Impact Lighting
286001510 +10 Priest Shell Pauldron HP
286002510 +10 Priest Shell Pad HP
286003510 +10 Priest Shell Helment HP
286004510 +10 Priest Shell Gaunlet HP
286005510 +10 Priest Shell Bot HP


910119301 Dagger of <selfname>(+1)
119102411 Cold-Hearted Dagger (+1)
120510281 Tooth(+1)
120550291 Sword of Beast(+1)
910120351 Two-Handed Sword of <selfname>(+1)
130650261 Giantic Axe(+1)(1H Glacier)
130450271 Giantic Axe(+1)(1H Lightning)
135750261 Giantic Axe(+1)(2H Glacier)
135750271 Giantic Axe(+1)(2H Lightning)
910121301 Spear of <selfname> (+1)
159302411 Spear of Murky Waters (+1)
191610316 Halloween Spear
155550261 Scorpion Scythe(+1)
160450271 Chitin Bow(+1)
160450281 Scorpion Bow(+1)
910122351 Bow of <selfname> (+1)
169302411 Eagles Eye (+1)
180110271 Lobo Staff(+1)
180110281 Lupus staff(+1)
180110291 Lycaon staff(+1)
910123571 Staff of <selfname> (+1)
910124581 Pole of <selfname> (+1)
189302631 Scorching Staff (+1)
189102641 Oasis Staff (+1)
189202651 Chaotic Staff (+1)
191600881 Halloween Cane
190250271 Lobo hammer(+1)
190250281 Lupus hammer(+1)
190250291 Lycaon hammer(+1)
190250301 Skull hammer(+1)
190610311 Dragon tooth hammer(+1)
910125371 Mace of <selfname> (+1)
199102411 Stone Splitter (+1)
170250261 Chitin Shield(+1)
170210271 Scorpion Shield(+1)
910126301 Shield of <selfname>(+1)
179102321 Dread Shield (+1)
310110201 Bronze Earring(+1)
310610211 Silver Earring(+1)
310110221 Golden Earring(+1)
310510231 Crystal Earring(+1)
310410241 Platinum Earring(+1)
310610251 Elf-Metal Earring(+1)
310410261 Secret-Silver Earring(+1)
310610271 White-Silver Earring(+1)
310410281 Agate Earring(+1)
310510291 Opal Earring(+1)
310511131 Minotaurs Earring (+1)
310512141 Howling Rooster (+1)
310513151 Lich Kings Pride (+1)
310514161 Lillimes Enticement (+1)
310310401 Warrior Earring(+1)
310310411 Rogue Earring(+1)
310310421 Cleric Earring(+1)
310310431 Mage Earring(+1)
320110301 Warrior Pendant(+1)
320110311 Elemental Pendant(+1)
320110321 Priest Pendant(+1)
320510331 Amulet of Curse(+1)
320610341 Amulet of Strength(+1)
320510351 Amulet of Dexterity(+1)
320310361 Amulet of Intelligence(+1)
320310371 Amulet of Magic Power(+1)
320510381 Amulet of Health(+1)
320310391 Elemental Necklace(+1)
320610401 Crystal Necklace(+1)
320310411 Iron Necklace(+1)
320510421 Amulet of Goddess (+1)
320610431 Blue Dragon Necklace(+1)
320310441 Red Dragon Amulet(+1)
320310451 Black Dragon Necklace(+1)
320510461 Green Dragon Amulet(+1)
320510471 White Dragon Necklace(+1)
320410441 Lobo Pendant(+1)
320410451 Lupus Pendant(+1)
320410461 Lycaon Pendant(+1)
330110301 Ring of Courage(+1)
330150311 Ring of Magic(+1)
330150321 Ring of Life(+1)
330110331 Opal Ring(+1)
330610341 Agate Ring(+1)
330610351 Ruby Ring(+1)
330410361 Diamond Ring(+1)
330110371 Emerald Ring(+1)
330610381 Gold Ring(+1)
330610391 Silver Ring(+1)
330610401 Elf Ring(+1)
330110411 Crystal Ring(+1)
330410421 Platinum Ring(+1)
330620431 Ring of the Felankor (+1)
330111441 Heros Valor (+1)
330151451 Legionnaire Band (+1)
330310471 Kekuri Ring(+1)
330910601 Flame Ring(+1)
330920611 Shio Tears(+1)
330930621 Imir Ring(+1)
330940631 Foverin(+1)
340110301 Kekuri Belt(+1)
340110311 Belt of Life(+1)
340310321 Mana Belt(+1)
340310331 Fire Belt(+1)
340410341 Ice Belt(+1)
340510351 Lightning Belt(+1)
340610361 Crystal belt(+1)
340610371 Iron Belt(+1)
340310381 Bronze Belt(+1)
340410391 Glass Belt(+1)
340510401 Belt of Strength(+1)
340610411 Belt of Dexterity(+1)
340510421 Belt of Intelligence(+1)
340410431 Elf Belt(+1)
340110441 Belt of Curse(+1)
340410451 Skeleton Belt(+1)
340610461 Helt of Harpy(+1)
340110131 light Belt of Life(+1)
340510141 Sash of Sorrows (+1)
340610151 Judicious Belt (+1)
340410161 String of Skulls (+1)
119101201 Dark Vane(+1)
129101211 Hanguk Sword(+1)
149101221 Hell Breaker(+1)
169101231 Enion Bow(+1)
199101241 Smite Hammer(+1)
189101301 Wrath of Erenion(+1)
189201261 Glacier Erenion(+1)
189301271 Lightning Erenion(+1)
189401281 Rons Staff(+1)
179101291 Defender of the Lord(+1)
119301501 Sherion(+1)
159301511 Lugias(+1)
139301521 Avedon(+1)
169301531 Helenid(+1)
189601541 Hell Blood(+1)
189602551 Garp(+1)
189603561 Elysium(+1)
199301571 Holy Animor(+1)
179301581 Syphioric(+1)


/notice SAVAS BASLIYOR....
+mopen = DarkLunars Savasi Baslatmak
+open = Savas Baslatir
+open2 = Savas Baslatir
+open3 = Savas Baslatir
+close = Savası kapatır
+captain = Kaptanlari Secer


/summonuser nick = Nick Yerine ID Yaz Kullaniciyi Yanina Çeker
/arrest nick = Userin Yanina isinlanirsin. Nick id yaz
/goto xxx,xxx = Yazdigin Kordinata Isinlanir.
+zonechange SAYI = Sayıyı Yaz ısınlan
Zone Adları(sadece yanlarındakı sayıları yazın
1 Luferson Castle
2 El Morad Castle
11 Orc Eslant
12 Human Eslant
21 Moradon
30 Delos
31 Bi-Frost
32 Abyss
33 Hell Abyss
34 Felankor’s Lair
48 Battle Arena
62 War Zone
63 War Zone
64 War Zone
55 Forgotten Temple Gittikten Sonra /goto 50 50 Yapın Cünkü Boslukta Kalıyorsunuz orada
71 Colony Zone bowl Gittikten Sonra goto 1000 1000 Yapın Cünkü Boslukta Kalıyorsunuz orada
72 Dark C.Z. bowl - Gittikten Sonra /goto 500 500 Yapın Cünkü Boslukta Kalıyorsunuz orada


Rabbit = 3201
Guard Tower = 6701
Christmas Tree = 4001
Snowman = 2705
DTS = 1164
Bone Collector = 1106
Ash Knights = 1163
Watcher = 511
Harpy = 2221
Raven = 2222
Golem = 2401
Etaroth (small) = 4101
Apostle of Piercing Cold = 8005
Apostle of Flames = 8006
Evil Wizard = 8009
Goblin Necromancer = 2906
Saber tooth = 653
Machirodus = 654
Meganthereon = 655
Stone golem = 2401
Dark Mare = 3001


bossogo = 31313
Ego = 5801
Glutton = 5901
Wrath = 6001
Sloth = 6101
Lust = 6201
Envy = 6301
Greed = 6401


6964 Acer
6963 Samma
6962 Javana
6961 Bach
6960 Bishop
6959 Duke
6958 Dragon tooth
6957 bone collecter
6956 Shaula
6955 Lesath
6954 Barkirra
6953 Barrkk
6952 Lycaon
6951 Lupus
6950 Lobo
6929 Dark eyes
6928 Harpy
6927 paralyzer
6924 Meganthereon
6922 Giant golem
6921 Stone golem
6920 Atross
6919 Raven Harpy
6918 Troll Warrior
6917 Apostle
6916 Lamiros
6915 Troll
6914 Riote
6913 Deruvish
6912 Lamia
6911 Haunga
6910 Cardinal
6909 Baron
6908 Blood Don
6907 Beast
6906 Blood seeker
6905 Watcher
6904 Mastodon
6903 Death knight
6902 Stegodon
6901 Stinger
6751 Guard tower orc
6701 Guard tower human tower
5651 Isiloon's Soldier
5601 Isiloon's Soldier
5552 Isiloon's Soldier
5551 Isiloon
5502 Isiloon's Soldier
5501 Isiloon
5451 treant
5401 treant
5351 Ancient
5301 Ancient
5251 The Messenger of Patoz
5201 The Messenger of Patoz
5152 Co-commandant Guard(Karus)
5151 Commandant Guard(Karus)
5102 Co-commandant Guard(El Morad)
5101 Commandant Guard(El Morad)
5053 Tree ghost King
5052 Tree ghost King
5051 Tree ghost variant
5003 Tree ghost
5002 Tree ghost King
5001 Tree ghost variant
4952 Tree ghost
4951 mudman Boss
4902 mudman
4901 mudman Boss
4853 mudman
4852 lizardman captain
4851 lizardman warrior
4803 lizardman
4802 lizardman captain
4801 lizardman warrior
4751 lizardman
4701 GRELL
4651 GRELL
4591 specter
4551 LICH
4501 LICH
4351 Tyon
4301 Tyon
4251 Ape
4201 Ape
4152 Etaroth
4151 Etaroth + bo&thorn;
4102 Etaroth + mavi
4101 Etaroth + ye&thorn;il
4051 Christmas tree
4001 Christmas tree
3971 Drakkha
3891 Volcanic Rock
3871 Flame Rock
3851 Flame Rock
3801 Flame Rock
3771 Reaper
3751 Reaper
3701 Reaper
3671 burning skeleton
3651 burning skeleton
3601 burning skeleton
3571 gloom hound
3551 gloom hound
3501 gloom hound
3471 Black widow
3451 Black widow
3401 Black widow
3371 Cave leech
3351 Cave leech
3301 Cave leech
3251 rabbit
3201 rabbit
3151 scouting soldier
3101 scouting soldier
2999 Goblin
2957 GOBLIN patriarch
2955 GOBLIN juggler
2954 GOBLIN bouncer
2953 POOKA
2907 GOBLIN patriarch
2905 GOBLIN juggler
2904 GOBLIN bouncer
2903 POOKA
2819 Orc bandit leader
2818 Orc bandit leader
2817 Orc bandit leader
2816 Orc bandit officer
2815 Orc bandit officer
2814 Orc bandit officer
2813 Orc bandit officer
2812 Orc bandit pastor
2811 Orc bandit pastor
2810 Orc bandit pastor
2809 Orc bandit Sorcerer
2808 Orc bandit Sorcerer
2807 Orc bandit Sorcerer
2806 Orc bandit archer
2805 Orc bandit archer
2804 Orc bandit archer
2803 Orc bandit Warrior
2802 Orc bandit Warrior
2801 Orc bandit Warrior
2755 Snow man 5
2754 Snow man 4
2753 Snow man 3
2752 Snow man 2
2751 Snow man 1
2705 Snow man 5
2704 Snow man 4
2703 Snow man 3
2702 Snow man 2
2701 Snow man 1
2690 Caitharos
2656 Centaur captain
2655 Centaur sniper
2654 Centaur ranger
2653 Centaur archer
2652 Centaur
2651 Centaur
2606 Centaur captain
2605 Centaur sniper
2604 Centaur ranger
2603 Centaur archer
2602 Centaur
2601 Centaur
2555 Scura 5
2554 Scura 4
2553 Scura 3
2552 Scura 2
2551 Scura 1
2505 Scura 5
2504 Scura 4
2503 Scura 3
2502 Scura 2
2501 Scura 1
2455 Talos
2454 Titan
2453 Dark stone
2452 Giant golem
2451 Stone golem
2424 Titan
2423 Dark stone
2422 Giant golem
2421 Stone golem
2407 Talos
2406 Talos
2405 Talos
2404 Titan
2403 Dark stone
2402 Giant golem
2401 Stone golem
2355 Lilith
2354 Lirimu
2353 fallen Angel
2352 incubus
2351 Succubus
2305 Lilith
2304 Lirimu
2303 fallen Angel
2302 incubus
2301 Succubus
2255 Harpy Queen
2254 Falcon
2253 Crimson Wing
2252 Raven Harpy
2251 Harpy
2224 Falcon
2223 Crimson Wing
2222 Raven Harpy
2221 Harpy
2207 Harpy Queen Warrior Earring
2206 Harpy Queen Rogue Earring + Warrior Earring
2205 Harpy Queen
2204 Falcon
2203 Crimson Wing
2202 Raven Harpy
2201 Harpy
2155 Deruvish founder
2154 Paramun
2153 Brahman
2152 Apostle
2151 Deruvish
2124 Paramun
2123 Brahman
2122 Apostle
2121 Deruvish
2107 Deruvish founder
2106 Deruvish founder
2105 Deruvish founder
2104 Paramun
2103 Brahman
2102 Apostle
2101 Deruvish
2071 Wraith
2055 Snake Queen
2054 Princess
2053 Lamentation
2052 Lamiros
2051 Lamia
2024 Princess
2023 Lamentation
2022 Lamiros
2021 Lamia
2007 Snake Queen
2006 Snake Queen
2005 Snake Queen
2004 Princess
2003 Lamentation
2002 Lamiros
2001 Lamia
1901 Trap
1877 Manticore
1876 Manticore
1875 Manticore
1874 Manticore
1873 Manticore
1827 Manticore
1826 Manticore
1825 Manticore
1824 Manticore
1823 Manticore
1822 Blood Tail
1821 Blood Tail
1775 Troll King
1774 Troll Captain
1773 Troll Berserker
1772 Troll Warrior
1771 Troll
1751 Troll
1744 Troll Captain
1743 Troll Berserker
1742 Troll Warrior
1741 Troll
1731 Troll
1727 Troll King
1726 Troll King
1725 Troll King
1724 Troll Captain
1723 Troll Berserker
1722 Troll Warrior
1721 Troll
1701 Troll
1696 Ghost warrior
1695 Orc prisoner
1694 Uruk Tron
1693 Uruk Blade
1692 Uruk Hai
1691 Orc sniper
1690 Orc bowman
1689 Orc hunter
1688 Orc shaman
1687 Orc shaman
1686 Orc shaman
1685 Orc alchemist
1684 Orc alchemist
1683 Orc alchemist
1682 Orc magician
1681 Orc magician
1680 Orc magician
1679 Orc wizard
1678 Orc wizard
1677 Orc wizard
1676 Orc mage
1675 Orc mage
1674 Orc mage
1673 Lard Orc
1672 Dusk Orc
1671 Orc Watcher
1670 Orc rogue
1669 Orc rogue
1668 Orc rogue
1667 Orc rogue
1666 Orc rogue
1665 Orc shaman
1664 Orc shaman
1663 Orc shaman
1662 Orc shaman
1661 Orc shaman
1660 Orc alchemist
1659 Orc alchemist
1658 Orc alchemist
1657 Orc alchemist
1656 Orc alchemist
1655 Orc magician
1654 Orc magician
1653 Orc magician
1652 Orc magician
1651 Orc magician
1650 Orc wizard
1649 Orc wizard
1648 Orc wizard
1647 Orc wizard
1646 Orc wizard
1645 Orc mage
1644 Orc mage
1643 Orc mage
1642 Orc mage
1641 Orc mage
1640 Orc warrior
1639 Orc warrior
1638 Orc warrior
1637 Orc warrior
1636 Orc warrior
1635 Orc rogue
1634 Orc rogue
1633 Orc rogue
1632 Orc rogue
1631 Orc rogue
1630 Orc shaman
1629 Orc shaman
1628 Orc shaman
1627 Orc shaman
1626 Orc shaman
1625 Orc alchemist
1624 Orc alchemist
1623 Orc alchemist
1622 Orc alchemist
1621 Orc alchemist
1620 Orc magician
1619 Orc magician
1618 Orc magician
1617 Orc magician
1616 Orc magician
1615 Orc wizard
1614 Orc wizard
1613 Orc wizard
1612 Orc wizard
1611 Orc wizard
1610 Orc mage
1609 Orc mage
1608 Orc mage
1607 Orc mage
1606 Orc mage
1605 Orc
1604 Orc
1603 Orc
1602 Orc
1601 Orc
1509 mins
1508 mins
1507 mins
1506 mins
1505 mins
1504 mins
1503 mins
1502 mins
1501 mins
1450 attila
1404 attila
1403 attila
1402 Atross
1401 Acer
1400 attila
1362 Haunga Warrior
1356 Samma
1355 Javana
1354 Harunga
1353 Haunga
1352 Garuna
1351 Gaunga
1350 Kongau
1319 Samma
1318 Javana
1317 Samma
1316 Javana
1315 Samma
1312 Haunga Warrior
1311 Riote
1310 Haunga
1309 Garuna
1308 Gaunga
1307 Kongau
1306 Samma
1305 Javana
1304 Harunga
1303 Haunga
1302 Garuna
1301 Gaunga
1300 Kongau
1271 Phantom
1257 Bach
1256 Bishop
1255 Duke
1254 Cardinal
1253 Baron
1252 Laird
1251 Sheriff
1250 Scolar
1217 Bach
1216 Bishop
1215 Duke
1214 Bach
1213 Bishop
1212 Duke
1211 Cardinal
1210 Baron
1209 Laird
1208 Sheriff
1207 Bach
1206 Bishop
1205 Duke
1204 Cardinal
1203 Baron
1202 Laird
1201 Sheriff
1200 Scolar
1171 Shadow
1164 Dragon Tooth Skeleton
1163 Ash knight
1162 Death knight
1157 Dragon tooth
1156 bone collecter
1155 Skeleton lord
1154 Death knight
1153 Skeleton champion
1152 Skeleton knight
1151 Skeleton warrior
1150 Skeleton
1118 Dragon tooth
1117 bone collecter
1116 Dragon tooth
1115 bone collecter
1114 Dragon Tooth Skeleton
1113 Ash knight
1112 Death knight
1111 Death knight
1110 Skeleton champion
1109 Skeleton knight
1108 Skeleton warrior
1107 Dragon tooth
1106 bone collecter
1105 Skeleton lord
1104 Death knight
1103 Skeleton champion
1102 Skeleton knight
1101 Skeleton warrior
1100 Skeleton
1055 Hyde
1054 undying
1053 Rotten Eyes
1052 Battalion
1051 Decayed Zombie
1050 Zombie
1007 Hyde
1006 Hyde
1005 Hyde
1004 undying
1003 Rotten Eyes
1002 Battalion
1001 Decayed Zombie
1000 Zombie
963 Killer beatle
958 Lesath
957 Shaula
956 Antares
955 Stinger
954 paralyzer
953 Pincers scorpion
952 Striper scorpion
950 Scorpion
920 Lesath
919 Shaula
918 Antares
917 Lesath
916 Shaula
915 Antares
914 Shaula
913 Killer beatle
912 Stinger
911 paralyzer
910 Pincers scorpion
909 Striper scorpion
908 Lesath
907 Shaula
906 Antares
905 Stinger
904 paralyzer
903 Pincers scorpion
902 Striper scorpion
900 Scorpion
871 Solid Bin
856 Panzer Bin
855 Small bandicoot
854 Cannibal Bandicoot
853 Rabid Bandicoot
852 Scavenger Bandicoot
851 Wild Bandicoot
850 Bandicoot
806 Panzer Bin
805 Small bandicoot
804 Cannibal Bandicoot
803 Rabid Bandicoot
802 Scavenger Bandicoot
801 Wild Bandicoot
800 Bandicoot
755 Snatcher
754 Carrion crawler
752 Blood worm
751 Earth worm
750 Worm
705 Snatcher
704 Carrion crawler
702 Blood worm
701 Earth worm
700 Worm
666 Hell hound
664 Smilda
658 Barkirra
657 Barrkk
655 Meganthereon
654 Machirodus
653 saber tooth
652 Wild smilodon
650 Smilodon
620 Barkirra
619 Barrkk
618 Barkirra
617 Barrkk
616 Hell hound
615 Blood Don
614 Smilda
613 Blood Don
612 Beast
611 Meganthereon
610 Machirodus
609 saber tooth
608 Barkirra
607 Barrkk
605 Meganthereon
604 Machirodus
603 saber tooth
602 Wild smilodon
600 Smilodon
558 Lycaon
557 Lupus
556 Lobo
555 Dire wolf
554 Dark eyes
553 Shadow seeker
552 Loup-garou
551 Lycan
550 Werewolf
518 Lycaon
517 Lupus
516 Lobo
515 Lycaon
514 Lupus
513 Lobo
512 Blood seeker
511 Watcher
510 Dark eyes
509 Shadow seeker
508 Lycaon
507 Lupus
506 Lobo
505 Dire wolf
504 Dark eyes
503 Shadow seeker
502 Loup-garou
501 Lycan
500 Werewolf
454 Megarodon
453 Mastodon
452 Stegodon
451 Ganesa
450 Glyptodont
408 Mastodon
407 Stegodon
406 Ganesa
405 Glyptodont
404 Megarodon
403 Mastodon
402 Stegodon
401 Ganesa
400 Glyptodont
354 Gloomwing
353 spoiler
352 Fury gavolt
351 Giant gavolt
350 Gavolt
304 Gloomwing
303 spoiler
302 Fury gavolt
301 Giant gavolt
300 Gavolt
271 Lutterslan
257 shilan
256 Keilan
255 Small bulcan
254 Bulture
253 Giant bulcan
252 Bulky bulcan
251 Wold bulcan
250 Bulcan
207 shilan
206 Keilan
205 Small bulcan
204 Bulture
203 Giant bulcan
202 Bulky bulcan
201 Wold bulcan
200 Bulcan
161 Kekurikekukaka
159 Kecoon captain
158 Kecoon bone collector
157 Kecoon shaman
156 Kecoon sorcerer
155 Kecoon warrior
154 Kecoon exile
153 Kecoon raider
152 Kecoon fighter
151 Kecoon scout
150 Kecoon
117 Kekurikekukaka
116 Kekurikekukaka
115 Kecoon dragoon
114 Kecoon berserker
113 Kecoon mage
112 Kecoon captain
111 Kekurikekukaka
109 Kecoon captain
108 Kecoon bone collector
107 Kecoon shaman
106 Kecoon sorcerer
105 Kecoon warrior
104 Kecoon exile
103 Kecoon raider
102 Kecoon fighter
101 Kecoon scout
100 Kecoon
5000 shsbuha
1500 Lamia
2010 Goblin
3600 volcanic Rock
3601 Dark Mare
3602 Manticore
3603 Bunny
29001 Karus GM Shop
19001 El Morad GM Shop
29002 Karus Guard Tower
19002 El Morad Guard tower
2801 Dread mare
3000 Fallen Angel
2400 Golem
3500 Ape
4500 lich
5500 Ego
3900 nianshou
1102 dragontooth ke version
4900 Isiloon
4800 Messanger Of Patos
5100 Ancient
30900 horse
2060 [mantle]Sarvis
11100 Isaac event npc
2040 Female Elf
4800 Patos
1310 Riote
2010 Goblin
3600 volcanic Rock
3601 Dark Mare
3602 Manticore
3603 Bunny
29001 Karus GM Shop
19001 El Morad GM Shop
29002 Karus Guard Tower
19002 El Morad Guard tower
2801 Dread mare
3000 Fallen Angel
2400 Golem
5000 shsbuha
1500 Lamia
2010 Goblin
3600 volcanic Rock
3601 Dark Mare
3602 Manticore
3603 Bunny
29001 Karus GM Shop
19001 El Morad GM Shop
29002 Karus Guard Tower
19002 El Morad Guard tower
2801 Dread mare
3000 Fallen Angel
2400 Golem
3500 Ape
4500 lich
5500 Ego
3900 nianshou
1102 dragontooth ke version
4900 Isiloon'
4800 Messanger Of Patos
5100 Ancient
30900 horse
2060 [mantle]Sarvis
11100 Isaac event npc
2040 Female Elf
4800 Patos
1310 Riote
4800=Messanger Of Patos
3000=Fallen Angel
3100 =cave leech
4400=Big Worm
111 Kekurikekukaka
506 Lobo
1005 Hyde
507 Lupus
906 Antares
508 Lycaon
607 Barrkk
1205 Duke
608 Barkirra
1106 bone collecter
1206 Bishop
1207 Bach
1305 Javana
907 Shaula
908 Lesath
1107 Dragon tooth
1400 attila
1306 Samma
2005 Snake Queen
2105 Deruvish founder
1725 Troll King
2205 Harpy Queen
2817 Orc bandit leader
2818 Orc bandit leader
2819 orc bandit leader
2405 Talos
3001 Dark Mare
3002 Death Mare
3003 Shade Mare
3004 Dread Mare
4001 Chrestmas Tree
4101 Etaroth (Küçük) (Ye&thorn;ik Kutu ÇIkIyo)
4102 Etaroth (Büyük) (Mavi Kutu çIkIyo)
4201 Ape
4301 Tyon
4401 Hornet
4501 Linch
4601 Ozzy
4701 Grell
5001 Tree ghost variant
5002 Tree ghost King
5003 Tree ghost
5201 The Messenger of Patoz
5501 Isiloon
5502 Isiloon’s Soldier
5601 Isiloon’s Soldier
5801 isimsiz (kekon) exp
5901 isimsiz (kekon) exp
6001 isimsiz (kekon) exp
6101 isimsiz (büyük kekon) exp
6201 isimsiz (kekon) exp
6301 isimsiz (kekon) exp
6401 isimziz (kekon) exp
6501 isimsiz (kekon) exp (çoz zor ölüyo)
6601 isimsiz (kekon) az exp
6701 Humman Guard Tower
6901 Cz deki stinger
6902 Stegodon
6903 Death knight
6904 Mastadon
6905 Watcher
6906 Blood seeker
6907 Beast
6908 Blood Don
6909 Baron
6910 Cardinal
6911 Haunga
6912 Lamia
6913 Deruvish
6914 Riote
6915 Troll
6916 Lamiros
6917 Apostle
6918 Troll Warrior
6919 Raven Harpy
6920 Atross
6921 Stone golem
6922 Giant golem
6923 Dark Mare
6924 Meganthereon
6927 paralyzer
6928 Harpy
6929 Dark eyes
6951 Lupus (içi bo&thorn
6950 lobo (içi bo&thorn
6952 Lycaon (içi bo&thorn
6953 Barrkk (içi bo&thorn
6954 Barkirra (içi bo&thorn
113 Kekon mage
114 kecoon berserker
115 Kecoon Dragoon
116 kekurikekukaka
117 kekurikekukaka
151 Kecoon scout
150 Kecoon
154 Kecoon exile
158 Kecoon bone collecto
161 Kekurikekukaka
200 bulcan (maradondaki de&eth;il)
201 wold bulcan (maradondaki de&eth;il)
202 Bulky bulcan (maradondaki de&eth;il)
203 Giant bulcan (maradondaki de&eth;il)
204 Bulture (maradondaki de&eth;il)
205 small bulcan (maradondaki de&eth;il)
206 Keilan
207 Shilan
251 wold bulcan (maradondaki)
250 bulcan (maradondaki)
252 Bulky bulcan (maradondaki)
253 Giant bulcan (maradondaki)
254 Bultore (maradondaki)
255 Small Bulcan
271 Lutterslan
301 Giant gavolt
300 Gavolt
302 Fury gavolt
303 spoiler
304 Gloomwing
401 Ganesa
400 Glyptodont
402 Stegodon
403 Mastodon
404 Megarodon
500 Werewolf
600 Smilodon
700 worm
800 bandicoot
900 Scorpion
1000 Zombie
7010 tt event
Talos 2455
Snake Queen 2055
Harpy Queen 2255
Troll King 1775
Dragon Tooth 1107
Shaula 907
Attila 1450
Samma 1356
Duke 1205
Bach 1257
Bakkirra 608
Lobo 556
Lesath 908
Javana 1355
Lupus 507
Lycaon 558
Kekurikekukaka 161
Antares 906
Bone Collector 1106
Bishop 1256
Orc Bandit Leader 2817
Deruvish Founder 2105
Dreadmare 3054
Atross 1402
Riote 1311
Blood Don 613
Barrk 657
ORC Bandit Officer 2813 2705
ORC Bandit Officer 2814
ORC Bandit Officer 2815
Paramun 2124
Hyde 1005
Isiloon 5501
Isiloon Servant 5502
Volcanic rock 3891
Messenger of God 5201
Ultima 6501
Felankor 7035
Rabbit 3201
Guard Tower 6701
Christmas Tree 4001
Snowman 2705
DTS 1164
Bone Collector 1106
Ash Knights 1163
Watcher 511
Harpy 2221
Raven 2222
Golem 2401
Etaroth (small) 4101
Apostle of Piercing Cold 8005
Apostle of Flames 8006
Evil Wizard 8009
Goblin Necromancer 2906
Saber tooth 653
Machirodus 654
Meganthereon 655
Stone golem 2401
Dark Mare 3001
Ego 5801
Glutton 5901
Wrath 6001
Sloth 6101
Lust 6201
Envy 6301
Greed 6401
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